This is the big news of the production date of the M2 Mac and the M2 Pro for the new 16-inch Macbook Pro has been revealed in a new report. With this date We can estimate when the new 14 and 16-inch Macbook Pro are coming out, so with this I'm to give you the latest of everything we know so far including the 16 inch Macbook Pro release date and price and specs summary. Every Macbook now has an apple silicon chipset inside it. Now already a lot of us are wondering what will the next generation Macbook Pro give us in the likes of 2022 or 2023 that apple will release in the future so let's get started with the main details of the brand new 16-inch Macbook Pro. Well We've now had the introduction of the M2 chipset inside the brand new Macbook Pro M2 and also that brand new design Macbook air with an M2 chipset.(Pleas watch the video below)...

The M2 Pro and the M2 Max will be based on a free nanometer die at the end of this year. In mind it's very possible that the M2 pro and the M2 max chipsets could be ready for spring 2023. for apple to announce the new chipsets in the 14 and 16 inch MacBook Pro we expect to see in the M2 pro and the M2 max. The M1 pro and M1 max has given us a true generation leap in performance what we had in the likes of say a 16 inch MacBook pro with an intel chipset.
The cpu performance in both the 10 core M1 pro and M1 max is over double of the highest spec intel i9 chipset in the 16 inch MacBook pro that came out in 2019, but We're all wondering now what will the new M2 pro and the M2 max give us well. We've recently had a report talking about the M2 max
and it looks like some additional cores are going to be going inside. It so from the CPU side of things we're going to be getting 12 cores instead of eight. Now what this basically means is that it's going to be an additional two cores for the M2 Max. We don't actually know if we're going to get two additional cores for the M2 pro, but most likely what we'll be getting is two efficiency cores and we'll also have a total of 10 performance cores inside the brand new M2 max and that will give us at least a 20 increase in performance just with these two additional cores.
However like every other chipset manufacturer out there they improve on their actual architecture
and probably most likely with these two additional cores and with apple tinkering around with the
actual chipset. As well We're probably more likely going to get a boost between 30 to 45 more power than what we have in the current M1 Max. We've also been told for GPU cores and the M2 Max that we're probably going to be getting a few more. So this will probably be four to six more cores again, but most likely with these extra cores and again apple tinkering around we're probably going to be getting 30 to 45 percent more graphical power than we currently have when you think about this. This also makes sense as the normal M2 chipset was near a 20 increase in CPU power and around about a 30 increase in GPU power like what we just saw at WWDC. This is super exciting news to hear as already mentioned the M1 Pro and the M1 Max and basically they are the top notebook chipset out there and yet.

Apple are still aiming to push them even further. I also want to comment at this stage into the video that all reports and leaks are not 100 proof. They will come true with the new MacBook like I have said before in many of my other videos. I could only present to you what has been told and shown. However if you're watching this video then you're as curious as I am in knowing what is going to be said about the new MacBook anyway so the next question is on the release date. So with apple's journey complete with equipping every map with an apple silicon M1 variant chipset inside apart from the Mac Pro but that's not likely to get an M1 variant chipset, but We've now started the M2 journey. it's very likely that these chipsets and devices will get replaced in the order similar order to what they came out in, So I'm talking about an initial M2 first chipset and all the devices to be updated with that. then the M2 pro and the M2 max and then the M2 ultra, So with this in mind We have the new M2 MacBook Pro and We also have that brand new design MacBook air with the M2 chipset. The next maybe upgrader and M2 chipset is the mac mini and the iMac before any devices that will get an M2 pro or the M2 max. This means that the M2 pro and the M2 Max will be coming out after all these products. Getting an M2 chipset so expect that some of these remainder devices to get that M2 chipset will be getting them this full this would mean when we'd be getting the M2 pro and the M2 Max chipset in the MacBook pros.
it's most likely it'll be at the earliest Spring 2023 or even at WWDC next summer however there is the possibility of seeing the M2 pro inside the likes of say the second generation iMac 24 inch model and also possibly the brand new design mac mini so there is still a very slim possibility that the release of these new MacBook could come this fall of 2022, but to be honest it is more likely to be Spring or summer 2023.